Daily Archives: June 17, 2015

Happy 18 months, J!

Lately, our blog has focused solely on Baby #2. But tonight, I wanted to give a shout out to our first born! Today marks Jamison’s 18 month birthday. A whole year and a half! And he really does get more fun every day. He’s so smart and funny and silly and sweet. He has his whole family just wrapped around his big bear paw fingers. He cracks us up constantly. He can sit alone quietly reading books or playing with Duplo blocks, and then switch to chasing the dog around the house with a potato masher. He thinks it’s funny when you say “peepee” or when you tickle him or when you put him in or near water. He has pretty sweet gangsta dance moves (if there is such a thing). He’s enthralled by animals, especially cows and horses. He wears size 2T and sometimes 3T clothes. He is still an awful napper. He is considered the best dressed kid at daycare. He will do just about anything for fruit snacks. He takes his bath standing up (like a true gentleman, Sarah says). He decides his bed time and it’s always way earlier than we would actually make him do (tonight he was sound asleep at 7 pm). He makes me want to both teach him everything as quick as possible and just cuddle him so he can be a baby forever. He makes me question how this second baby will have even half of enough love when I’m so head over heels for him. 

Happy 1.5 birthday, sweet boy!